How to Maintain Natural Stone Countertops

Countertops in Boston

Natural Stone Countertops Maintenance Recipe

Stone countertops are beautiful. Granite and marble can really breathe new life into your space, making everything look wonderful. However, they do take a bit of maintenance to keep looking nice. Quartz includes a mixture of man-made materials, meaning it does not need extensive maintenance like marble or granite.

You will need to clean your stone countertops often, as this keeps them from building up stains. There is a lot to know about maintaining your countertops, so we made sure to include everything for you here in this guide!

The following is what you need to know.

What to do For Daily Cleanings

Stone materials are strong, but you will not want to use any harsh chemicals on them. Instead, wipe them down with mild soap and warm water whenever there is a spill. If they are looking a bit dusty, you can simply use a soft cloth to wipe them off.

Make sure that you clean up spills right after they happen. Stone is more porous than man-made materials, but you need to act quickly. Be sure to leave paper towels nearby to wipe up messes. Any acidic spill is going to impact your countertop much more quickly.

These acidic beverages and foods need to be cleaned up right away- wine, tomatoes, fruit juice, and coffee. These items can quickly stain your counter.

Finally, using harsh cleansers every day will cause damage to your stone countertop; plus, they make it easier for the counter to soak in stains. All you need is some gentle soap and a soft towel to clean your countertops. 

What to do For Weekly Cleanings

To keep your stone countertops in the best shape, whether they are made from granite or marble, you will need to clean them at least once a week. This is different from the general, daily cleaning you do to keep them neat.

You will need to use a specific cleanser, either for marble or granite. You will need to spray and wipe up the entire surface- make sure that you get into all of the little cracks too. You should remove everything from the counter to ensure you are reaching everywhere you need to.

Sometimes, you may come across a hidden stain. No need to panic! Simply use a mixture of baking soda and water. It will make a paste-like substance, which you then put on the spot you are trying to clean. The longer you can leave it, the easier the stain will be to remove. It can be left on the surface overnight without causing any harm.

You will want to clean your counters at least once a week to maintain them. Doing so keeps them looking fresh and as nice as the day they were first installed.

Resealing Yearly

Then, at least once a year, you are going to want to have your stone countertops resealed. Some materials require resealing twice a year; others only need to be done once during that time. Make sure you are familiar with the needs of your particular natural stone material.

If you are unsure, you can always reach out to us! We would love to assist you with resealing.

How do you know when countertops need to be resealed? If you notice any dark spots in the stone, you will want to do it ASAP. The darker patches indicate areas where the stone is starting to hold in water- which is not good at all.

If you want your counter to last, you need to avoid it taking in water, as this can make it significantly weaker.

However, if you do not notice any dark spots, you can still conduct a quick test to see if they need to be sealed again. Simply put a drop of water on your counter and observe it. If the water beads, then you can wait longer to reseal. If the water seems to puddle and run on the surface, it is time to reseal.

Your counter may not need to be resealed each year, but you will still want to check in often. Stone is a porous material, which means it can absorb liquids. When this happens, it will damage your counters and lessen their lifespans.

What Sealant to Use?

Most natural stone countertops need to be sealed with an impregnating sealant. However, if you are doing this process yourself, make sure that you test the sealant in an unnoticeable area before applying it to the entire counter.

That way, if something were to go wrong, the entire counter would not be harmed by the sealer. 

Overall, marble and granite are quite beautiful. If you spend some time maintaining them, they will stay that way forever. If you have any questions about how to keep your counters looking nice, be sure to read more on our blog or reach out Pablo Marble and Granite.